Peterson Chemical

Diorama:Industrial Park -- includes National Meat, Warehouse Row and Peterson Chemical
Owner Name:NEONS
Date Built:about 1990
Date Updated:2012
Status:Assigned to permanent layout at Challenger N-Scale Hobbies
Module Type:4' standard module
Skyboard:12" plywood
Peterson Chemicalv


Code Brand Turnouts Crossovers Passing Sidings Yard Tracks Industrial Spurs Other Tracks
80 Atlas various none none yes yes yes


  Wire Connector 110V
Red 18 gauge C-J  
Yellow 18 gauge C-J  
Blue 18 gauge C-J  
Other 18 gauge C-J
DCC Equipment: none
Powered Accessories: On/off slide switch for all tracks behind blue line. Battery operated case that powers red flashing light on smokestack.
Designer Carpentry Track Wiring Scenery Oklahoma Scene Route 66 Scene Prototype RR
Chester & Cliffie

Sign Board

The packing plant building was originally red, but turned green over the years do to exposure to the sun. The cattle in the stock pens look healthy and we hope that the meat doesn't change color like the building did! A diesel servicing facility provides support for a small switch engine that works the cars coming in and going out of this industrial area.

Description & History

The picture shows where Red Caboose manual turnout throws were installed on this module. Those oversized throws have been removed and the turnouts have been replaced with Peco Electrofrogs. The rails near the front of the module on the track leading to the rear of the module have been trimmed and the rear tracks have been abandoned in place.