The purpose of the NEONS club is to support and encourage N-scale model railroading. We do this by holding regular monthly meetings, building club owned N-Trak modules and by assembling and operating our N-Trak layout at public venues. We work in harmony with TNT (Tulsa N-Trak), and usually combine their modules with ours to form larger and more impressive layouts at shows.

The club has two rules as follows:

Membership Requirements

Blue Whale
NEONS @ 2024 Muskogee Railroad Days
NEONS at 2024 Muskogee Railroad Days
New members are always welcome, but must pass a series of rigorous physical and cognitive tests including, but not limited to breathing, walking and chewing gum at the same time, being able to use "y'all" in a sentence, and other unique challenges. Skill and experience in model railroading are NOT required. Neither is having a layout / module, motive power or rolling stock.

Being of good moral character as defined by the standards displayed by United States Congressmen is an absolute must. If you are a card-carrying member of the International and Domestic Independent Order of Turtles (IDIOT), membership is assured. As NEONS, all members are inducted into the Loyal Order Of N-Scalers (LOONS) and are considered loony ever-after.

The annual dues are $60 ($15 for any member living more than 50 miles from the store or youth under the age of 18). Your annual club membership dues help offset the cost of items such as utilities, module materials, truck rental, website support, general operations, etc.

Tulsa N-Trak (TNT)

TNT is a companion club to NEONS. It is made up of N-Scalers who own or are building N-Trak modules. This club is very loosely organized, has no dues, meetings or other formal activities. TNT owns two loop modules so that any member or group of members may display and operate their module(s) by attaching one loop module at each end. This setup makes the red line tie into the blue line for a loop, and uses the yellow line as a siding to the red line. Most members of TNT are also members of NEONS.