Over the years
NEONS has developed a detailed plan for the design and construction of N-Track modules that includes
permanently mounted, folding module legs
(4' module construction diagram). These legs are built as two 2-leg pairs
that fold up inside the module base. One leg pair nests between the other pair, leaving 1½” of clearance between
the folded legs and the bottom of the module deck. This clearance allows room for Digitrax UP-5s, turnout switch
machines such as Tortoises, wiring harnesses, power strips and other under-the-deck equipment. When the legs are
collapsed and secured they fit completely inside the frame with nothing hanging below the base of the fascia boards.
Figure 1 - Leg Braces
Figure 2 - Leg Braces
Attached with Cinch Pin
The challenge is not only to have legs that fold up and are permanently attached, but to make the legs adequately sturdy,
stable, easy to erect and simple to collapse and secure. This leg design can be retro-fitted onto existing modules with
reasonable ease. All that is required to achieve this goal is a little hardware and some 2” x 2” dimensional lumber.
Nearly all our modules are built with a ½” plywood deck screwed to a frame made with 1x4s, and our legs are
built from 2x2 dimensional lumber. (We actually rip our 2x2s from 2x4s since we have a hard time finding good,
straight, un-warped 2x2s at a reasonable price.) As we all know, 1” x 4” boards are really ¾” x 3½” and 2” x 2”
boards are really 1½” x 1½”. So, for us the clearance between the base of the module deck and the bottom of the
frame is 3½”. The collapsed legs take up 1½” to 2” of that space leaving 1½” available for other under-the-table
items. Obviously the full 3½” space is available in the areas where there are no legs. Key features of our design
include 2’ long, semi-rigid leg braces made of 1/8” x 1” steel bar stock (Figure 1) and the snap and latch
mechanism that secures those braces to the module frame (Figure 2), thereby providing the sturdy and stable leg
assembly we desire.
Figure 14 - Gate Hook
Figure 13 - Leg Brace
Latching Assembly
It is highly recommended that once it is assembled, the entire undercarriage of the module be painted to seal
the wood and prevent future warping. Some of the pictures in this article were taken of an old 4’ module that
was stripped down and re-built. Since the old frame already had 2x2 glue blocks in the corners, we couldn’t
install 2x4 glue blocks to space out the inner legs. Instead, we inserted a temporary spacer and then glued and
screwed a second 2x2 glue block as the stabilizer block for the inner legs.